Friday, 24 January 2014

OUIL405 Visual Narratives SB2 - A Book Of....

Around the time of doing my research, I bought this comic, by Michael Deforge and started getting really into his work. I loved the weird, surreal and dark nature of his stuff - but also the way that it still kept a sense of believability about it, like it was almost still tied to our reality in some way. Obviously a fictional Canadian Monarchy who live in self sustaining muscle-suits would never exist in the real world, but the way it is written makes it seem very believable.

This tipped me off to an idea for my own book, going off the concept of "Red Bull Gives you Wings"; what if different types of caffeinated foods gave you superpowers? What if there were offices in the sky and the only way you could get to work was by drinking copious amounts of caffeine before your shift? What if you turned into some sort of voracious caffeine zombie if you didn't get your morning fix?

This lead me to start developing a narrative and a story. In this, I'd planned to tell the story of a woman who chose to give up caffeine in a world full of caffeine addicts - and the effects that would cause. At the time I really liked the idea, but when I took to my crit I realised the sheer amount of work and scale of time it would take to create a fully written comic - through writing, scripting, character designing, thumb-nailing, and then with the factor of production and binding too, I figured it would take for too long to do. I also figured I could probably achieve a similar effect with just a series of individual illustrated pages, with no need for written dialogue, so I swiftly moved away from this idea. 

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