Sunday, 20 April 2014

OUIL404 Visual Language SB2 Study task 3 - Viewpoint & Depth

The aim for this task was to focus on creating viewpoint and depth in an image. The task asks for it to include 3 figures - so I chose to tell the story of a guy, living alone with his cat after the death of his girlfriend (who follows him around as a ghost)

After thumb nailing, we had to pick our favourite to turn into an etching/drypoint print. Much like mono printing, I've never worked using either before, so it was a fun challenge to tackle.


I was somewhat pleased with the outcome of this to say i've never done it before - the biggest problem was that I managed to scratch off a lot more of the printing varnish when I was adding crosshatching and tone to it than I intended on doing, which meant the print went pretty blotchy in places. I also don't think you get the sense of depth I was intending with it when I sketched the thumb - I think maybe I need to add more of the room surrounding them to get that impression of a downwards viewpoint a little better. 

I definitely preferred etching to monoprinting, I think it suits the way I tend to work a lot better. If i ever get time i'd be tempted to get some funds together to give it another round. 

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