Here are the two final pages I sent through to Adam. I tried to make the proportions of the characters a little bit less stylised, and I also decided that I didn't like the look of the black berol lines I originally did - so these ones were done digitally in photoshop, using a Cintiq.
I hadn't used the Cintiq much before - despite being a pretty consistent graphics tablet user - so it was a bit of an odd transistion, because your sitting stance is completely different. However, I felt it was easier to get smoother lines with the Cintiq, and I think the strength of designs is in how nicely the lines have come out.
In terms of drawing the designs themselves - I used a mixture of the sketches i'd done previously, and imagery to get the machines as accurate as possible (since they've not been my strong point in the past) Here are some of the references I looked at:
I've found having photos as a reference has had a positive impact on my compositions, as opposed to just drawing stuff from memory all the time. I think the reason I like how these have turned out compared to some of my other work is because the machines and the anatomy of the characters have been observed from elsewhere - which means that they look a lot more correctly proportioned.
We took our designs to kerry in our next meeting, who adored them. Apart from the odd change on some of the other's pages - there was not much else to do at this point but wait until kerry had compiled the pages and sent the book into schools for testing. We were really excited to hear what they thought of them!
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