Friday, 13 May 2016

OUIL603 Extended Practice - Thought Bubble #Getintocomics, Part 5

A selection of my favourite snaps from the weekend: both of my boxes and the others at Thought Bubble. 

Thought Bubble's convention weekend was one of the most intense but also one of the most enjoyable weekends ever. We worked as a set of 'hybrid' volunteers - working on the comic boxes and working on the festival. It was so good to see people interacting with the project and really getting involved!

In terms of the actual work itself - the boxes looked really good in-situ, nobody got injured from anything falling on anyone which was good. The only downside to working as an assistant to somebody else's project, and not having it as your 'own' thing is that none of the painting work was visibly 'credited' to me - and all of my work was created as part of the overall project. This is the only downside in contrast to having a table at Thought Bubble; Not that I wasn't compensated - as both Martha and Tom were really lovely, I got my expenses/hours paid as part of being a student ambassador, plus food. 

As i'm still a student - this project has been invaluable, if only for the contacts i've received through making friends and interacting with people involved. Martha in particular, as an organiser has been great (I got a table for Thought Bubble this year right off the bat) - And Tom has continued to be a great help throughout the course. I feel for future projects, I feel much more confident and knowledgeable about taking a similar project on by myself and leading it, which is something i'd probably be a lot less knowledgeable of If I hadn't done this! 

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