Tuesday, 17 May 2016

OUIL603 Extended Practice - Yum! Kids Book

A while back, I caught wind of a competition for a website called Tigercreate. Tigercreate make software to make animated childrens books and apps - and they hold a competition every year for people to make plans for a kids book using their animation software. 

The themes were really interesting (the brief was to create a book for 3-5 year olds themed around the idea of things being 'delicious') but the brief was AWFULLY written and really confusing to decipher what deliverables they actually wanted you to give. Rather than try and wrestle with whatever the brief wanted me to do - I thought it would be best to take the concept of making a healthy eating book for kids and create something similar on my own accord. 

This was the initial 'cover/concept' I had for it - cute, colourful, really fun. I drew the shapes as vectors and added texture over the top with my fancy new Kyle T. Webster brushes again. I drew some animal mascots because....why not? They're adorable and cute and they can be representational of lots of different kids and backgrounds. 

My main falling block with the cats was that firstly cats are carnivores, and therefore have a very different diet to a small human child, which wasn't the best. Plus, whilst I liked their designs the more I looked at it the more I thought it would be better if they were just human children - so I started the long, long process of trying to design some new protagonists.

I had big plans for this - at one point I was considering making it my Big Kahuna project, but in the end I got so caught up in the details of trying to design the two main characters, it almost became less of a book brief and more of a character design one. 

I was really aimless about what I could actually do with them - I was getting really conflicting feedback about what I could do with it (Fred said I should make them into healthy eating 'packs', patrick said that I should carry on making a book) - which added to my further confusion about the whole project. 

In the end I chose to abandon it, and move on - given that including this brief I had 8 projects in total on the go, and I wanted to at least turn my Big Kahuna project (our FMP brief) into something that was somewhat refined. 

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