Wednesday, 23 October 2013

OUIL403 Visual Skills - 21/10/13 SB3 Studio Briefing

Over the weekend we were handed an article, and asked to bring in 5 printed images that we felt visually supported the article. I was given an article about Paddy Power, and how they were targeting the poorest communities to extort the most profit from them. The three themes I'd identified from the article were Greed, Exploitation and Poverty, so I chose images to reflect this

This monday, We were asked to create three lists, each with the words we'd identified as themes. We then had to write a list of words related to that theme, Then we had to pass is on to someone who had to write a list of places associated with the word, then again with people.

After this we then swapped our work around again in order for people to make a word tree out of them - 5 separate branches for each word. Mine brought back some pretty interesting results, some making less sense than others. 

The Whole point of this exercise was to generate a large pool of written ideas - whether they made sense or not, in order to step out of the whole "first idea syndrome". Our task for friday is to take these and draw up as many ideas as possible for friday.

Our eventual end product for this brief will be in three pieces - 200 x 200 cm, 105 x 200 cm and 290 x 105 cm, 3 colours only (including stock) Hopefully this should make for some interesting crafting!

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