Thursday, 17 April 2014

OUIL404 Visual Language SB1 Study Task 2 - Line, Tone and Pattern

For this study task, we had to pick a topic in order to base a body of work on - so I chose "Urban Wildlife". Our first task in this body of work was to look at line, and all the different ways that you can use line to communicate different things to a viewer.

Where a lot of my classmates tend to be quite studied, long-term and detailed workers, I in comparison tend to be very gestural and quick when I draw. My main focus when doing these was to see how little I could put down whilst still maintaining a sense of what the things I was drawing were. I got a pretty varied set of outcomes as well! I was really pleasantly suprised with the outcome of the brush and ink lines, which is something i've not really worked in before - I'm much more used to the safety and control of markers. I think if I were to continue using that method i'd probably practice a bit more to get the right balance of ink, since the brush tended not to hold much and dry out after a couple of strokes.

Other things to improve: Probably try to be /less/ quick and a bit more conscious of what i'm drawing. I draw from my head a lot which is good, since im not bound by stiff photos, but I feel a lot of my studies could probably benefit from more accurate source info. 

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