Sunday, 8 May 2016

OUIL603 Extended Practice - Thoughtbubble #getintocomics, Part 1

So as part of being a student ambassador, me and Adam Allsuch Boardman got to help tutor and run a session with the ED Graphics group down at Vernon Street. This was the first introduction we had to Tom and Martha - two people from Thought Bubble, who were there to help make props and draw ideas for potential comic book boxes - as displayed above. 

The workshop was designed to showcase Thought Bubble, and also show the process of how the boxes were built and designed. At the end of the session, each one of the students had made their own prop to go inside the box - and everyone also had numerous thumbnails and ideas that were then compiled to make the next lot of boxes further down the line.

As student ambassadors, we also joined in! heres what I did:

Tom asked us to think about different comic 'themes', so I cam up with a sci-fi, alien abduction cover. I also doodled some monsters with some of the pens, which ended up serving me well later down the line. 

Tom really liked the thumbs that me and Adam had done - he asked us if we had experience painting large-scale, so we could make a start on painting them up. I've done large-scale mural paintings a lot in the past, and i've been itching to do a lot more of it, so I was really up for doing it! We got some of the students to help us paint the bases, whilst everyone else continued with their propmaking workshop.

Unfortunately - we didn't get the time to finish painting them off, but I was really eager to carry on working and helping out on painting them if I could, so I gave Tom a business card and asked him to get back in touch if he needed any more help with anything. Luckily for me - he did, and me, zatul and adam started to help out on the project!

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